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Salzbrenner Stagetec Mediagroup Inc. - XSYNC
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Video WCLK Sync Input Board for NEXUS

Model: XSYNC

  • Video and word clock inputs
  • Automatic detection of video formats
  • Input filter for restoring analogue video signals
  • Video-sync input (BNC) for bi-level and tri-level sync signal
  • Word clock out
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The XSYNC board for the NEXUS was designed for connecting to ex­ter­nal studio systems and devices. It provides two inputs used for syn­chro­nising the NEXUS system remotely: video and word clock. The syn­chro­nising input is selected using the NEXUS control program. External video signals are input via a standard BNC port. It is iso­lated galvanically and unbalanced (as specified by the format). The video input handles a number of formats: It accepts not only com­pos­ite and component video but also the new HD formats, including bi-le­vel and tri-level syncs, as the sync source. The XSYNC automatically detects the input format, so manual selection is unnecessary. It in­cor­po­rates a composite filter enabled selectively for suppressing analogue in­ter­fer­ence (noise, voltage peaks). External word clock signals are input via a standard BNC port. It is isolated galvanically and balanced. The port accepts TTL sig­nals. The nominal input impedance of 75 ohm can be changed to approx. 500 ohm. This allows for connection of multiple destinations to a single source.
  • Video and word clock inputs
  • Automatic detection of video formats
  • Input filter for restoring analogue video signals
  • Video-sync input (BNC) for bi-level and tri-level sync signal
  • Word clock out
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